Monday, August 3, 2009

Roadtrips Galore!

Hey friends,  

Hope you are all well. Greetings From California! Sam and I made it out here a while back- and here is the video of the arrival...

here is a little response from my sister and her own roadtrip...

Anywho- hope you Loveshackers are well. Rob and Chels- what's cracking? Send some email love out! Mikey on a mission trip in Antarctica?! right? Beverage- you living at my folks house? Alizard and X- i know you're keeping it real riding my lonely and broken bike all over P-town. Armstrong- do you even know this chain exists? Ed and E-woo, i miss you. Are you adventuring? D-sheids and the J- are you enjoying the north a bit more? Can't wait to come visit. Jooser- any news on the fall?!? Geographically or occupationally?

Welp, i really miss you all, and think of you often. Camp is great- and really consuming- but great, other than being far from our loved ones and family i's say its a gold mine. we mine it, and sell it for 100% profit! I mean, we learn about Jesus and God and eat unhealthy food... But we are only 2 hrs from beach- so that has been cool.

adios, gotta gos!


Friday, July 24, 2009

Columbus - my prison, my friend

Hey Everyone! It's your old friend Mike here, confirming that not everything dies in the monotonous wasteland of the midwest. Haha- of course I am mildly exaggerating! Ohio is full of life this time of year...heck, as I speak some stranger is using some sort of power tool right outside my window- probably just for fun! Oh boy, where to start?! Well, I should say that this will not be a complete update - far too much has transpired since my last posting (luckily I have seen most of you since then, being as it was nearly a year ago). Here's my best attempt to emphasize some important events with one word summaries (not in any particular order): school, friends, fun, climbing, visits, done, love, summer, beach, relaxing, Honduras, nope, scramble, hair, deportment, alone, bored, house, books, garden, shadowing, Guatemala, and the Boss. I realize many of those words might require additional explanation in order to make sense (although for some that possibility is not there), but if I have successfully hooked you into wondering what in the world is happening to me, you might just have to call. Sorry if that is annoying, given that this forum is to elucidate our activities instead of cast a shroud of mysterious fog about, but as my hero and private mentor, Henry David Thoreau says, "A man must find his occasions in himself." Speaking of occasions, I will take this one to announce something marvelous that happened here in Ohio on West 8th Ave, between Michigan and Pennsylvania - I planted a vegetable garden in my backyard! At this point, I must admit that this was my primary reason for posting, but I know that you, my brothers and sisters, will share in the joy and bounty it will provide. It is full of peppers and tomatoes and a few other surprises - I am hoping to reap a full harvest by summer's last breath, and ultimately, like HDT be able to sustain myself entirely by that which mine own hand has thus sown. Just kidding- that would probably not be good for anyone. In case anyone was wondering about my wonderful family - Tom has graduated high school and will be attending Johns Hopkins School of Engineering in the fall. Andrew and Tom are also getting back from Ethiopia Saturday - so keep them in your prayers if you read this before then. Joe just did a young life camp and is hanging around York, living the dream. Ma and Pa are in good health and spirit. Jen can drive, and does, and has yet to cause any damage. Matt and Bri are also growing like wild banana trees and I'm sure will be retiring in no time.

Well my great friends, I wish you all the be
st and hope to see you all in the near future. Take Ben and Sam's lead and if you ever feel the pull of the setting sun, don't hesitate to call and crash here without any notice. Especially now that I will be living in a large house with 6 other guys. The proverbial "last summer vacation of my life" is throwing its minutes at my feet joyfully, like a cat who brings the freshly killed bird to its master - so I must be off. Again - I love you all and miss you very much.



Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Avett Mania!

street dress getting lucky, again!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

summatime in g-side

Hey y'all!
greetings from good ole' Glenside, PA, where the grass grows green and long enough for Patchie to cut a lot of it and make loads of mula. I find my dwelling at 812 South Fairway these days next to the linden trees, and it ain't half bad. I'm keeping busy with lots of odd jobs- babysitting (ahem, yes, I DO like kids...), photographing, driving old people to the grocery store and cleaning their stinky old houses, some real estate secretaryism, quality family time, weekend trips, and hanging out with grammy.

Some highlights of my life post-grad:
1) a trip down to JMU graduation to support and rock out with bri, bren, and all the other zoo mates. me and jan-jan, big ern, c-rob and j-rob partied hardied all weekend. They had a moon-bounce! Sweet candy!

2)chopping my hair off. its purty short i guess... see for yerselves. wooo

3) my largest freelance photography gig to date. I got hired by the Children's Jubilee Fund ( to take photographs of schools and students in Philly that they support financially. It was pretty rad, I went to two schools last week and will shoot at the last two this week. Check back on the website in a few months to see some of my photos. here's a teaser:

i don't have much else to write about, but i miss you all a lot and hope to see you soon!

love, Linder

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009

where has the time gone?

other people post on this thing too...

i didn't want to be the one to follow ed's post... my life dulls drastically in comparison, but i thought i'd share some pics from the past month or two...

here's a group shot of the girls at the big wedding (not the best quality, and i enjoy how we're all looking different directions)

i went up to boston for spring break for sister weekend with april and jill. bev came too.

finally, i thought i'd share a little gem i received on valentine's day. i should have posted this earlier. i can tell that dave likes valentines day as much as i do.

till next time,

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Whirlwind!

Wooooweeee!  We made it gang!  The last few months have been teerriiffiic!  Plus, I just got to use three exclamations points in a about good! (that makes it 4)  For those of you that I haven't talked to in a while, India was the bomb.  I can't wait to go back again and meet back up with the friends that we made while we were there.  This is a pretty sweet pic of the Taj Mahal from the 
Red Fort in Agra.  I truly could have sat and looked at the Taj for an entire day.  Unbelievable.

THEN....I got married, you remember, you were all there.  This is me and the Mrs. and some people we know.  

If you haven't seen the other pictures online, go to   our photographer made an awesome slideshow for us and our adoring public...or something like that.  Plus, I got to be a cowboy...

THEN...a few weeks ago, we went to Hawaii for our honeymoon!  I got to sing the Theme Song from Jurassic Park a whole bunch, it was neato.  

I tried to go swimming on Sunset Beach (where the world's biggest surf contest is held) but then the ocean got mad at me and hit me in the face with a wave...when the water was only ankle deep.  Maybe I should have listened to this sign. 

On the whole, life couldn't be better!  I just took a bunch of middle-schoolers on a caving (or spelunking) trip.  So that was super-dee-duper fun too, no pics though...oh well.

Well, come see us soon, we got a firepit and all sorts of neat stuff like that.

If you come visit I'll be as happy as these kids...